Halloween: A Love Story


I shouldn’t have worn these shoes.

It was late and she was scared. But her 3-inch stilettos would not let her walk any faster. Killer heels is a misnomer. If anything was being killed, it was the circulation to her big toe. Damn Misty and her stupid Halloween party. She should’ve gone as a circus clown. At least they wore sensible shoes.

I can’t see.

She wasn’t used to wearing contacts. But hipster prescription glasses just didn’t seem appropriate to wear with a regency ball face mask. Her eyes were watering. She seriously needed to rethink her costume next year.

What was that?

She stood in place and listened. Her hand slowly reached inside her purse for her ever reliable pepper spray. With all the wankers and nutcases out there these days, a girl can never be too careful. She found herself moving closer to the wall. The shadows seemed like a good place to hide.

There’s somebody there.

She could see him, his back against the light. He was tall, dark and looming. He didn’t lumber about like some sodding drunk or inspect every garbage can like most homeless looking to score an unfinished meal or two. He knew exactly where he was going. Straight in her direction.

He’s coming closer.

She could run. Take off her shoes and just run. But knowing her luck tonight, she’d most likely step on a broken beer bottle and bleed to death before he could even get to her. She wasn’t that fast a runner anyway. Plus, she had asthma.

Any second now.

This was it. He stopped right in front of her. She came face to face with him. His breathing was heavy. He stared straight into her eyes. And she stared straight into his as she blinded him with pepper spray.


She heard him fall to the ground behind her. Strangely enough, his screams of pain gave her comfort. They could’ve been her own. She was afraid to look back.


He could hear her heels clipping away. The sound became further and further. He knew he was never going to see her again.

Love at first sight, my foot. I’m going back to the party.

© 2013 Shirley Tan